Sashiko Class for Sashiko Tour with Tanpopo Journeys
$87.00 - $300.00
We have 4 options. Please read carefully.
- New Student
- Previous Student with Review Opportunity
- Previous Student without Review, with practice package
- No extra practice package (in Japan)
*In order to participates to the Sashiko/Boro Workshops in Japan, one has to complete the Full-Length Sashiko Workshop offered by Atsushi.
New Student
If you are new to the Sashiko Atsushi introduce, please choose this option. You will receive the access to Online Sashiko Class with special discount with full support prior to the Japan Tour.
This option includes:
- Access to the Online Sashiko Class with support by Atsushi
- A necesssary supply package for the Online Sashiko Class
- Sashiko Practice Packages in Japan (extra threads & fabric in Japan stitching for travel).
Previous Student with Review Opportunity
If you have taken the Full-Length Sashiko Workshop by Atsushi (more than 3 hours), you do not have to take the Online Sashiko Class. However, if you would like to review your learning, please choose this option.
This option includes:
- Access to the Online Sashiko Class
- A necesssary supply package for the Online Sashiko Class
- Sashiko Practice Packages in Japan (extra threads & fabric in Japan stitching for travel).
Previous Student without Review, with practice package
If you have taken the Full-Length Sashiko Workshop by Atsushi (more than 3 hours), and you are comfortable in rhythmical Unshin, there is no need to take the Online Sashiko Class & Review. I am planning to offer a great package of fabric & thread so you can keep stitching during the trip (in transportation & in hotel rooms). If you would like to get the package, please purchase this option.
*The main Sashiko/Boro Workshop includes the supplies. This is the extra packages you may want to maximize the experience.
Previous Student with No extra practice package (in Japan)
If you would like to bring your own Sashiko supplies, or you would purchase something by yourself, or you would prefer to do something else in the hotel rooms/ in transite, there is no need to purchase the practice kit. No fee is necessary.